Saturday, December 8, 2007

down to days.

I am down to only 16 days left until I am due. I am praying to the good Lord above that he takes mercy on my very large, stretched out stomach and brings this little man into the world early!

A little scare recently I wanna share. I went to the doctor at 35 weeks and they had me go to the hospital for a sonogram to check the size of the baby because he is measuring large, When I went she measured the baby at 6lbs 13oz already! yikes! My big boy! That was fine, but his stomach was measuring much larger than it should have been and I had higher than normal levels of amniotic fluid, so they thought I might have gotten gestational diabetes late in the pregnancy.

I went to the lab and did my 3 hour diabetes testing after 12 hours of fasting(yeah, don't try that on a pregnant woman!) and tested completely clear. So basically, I have a big baby with a lot of fluid.

This past week (my 37 week appt) I was measuring at 40 weeks. They checked me and I am 1 cm dilated and they stripped my membranes(ouch) to get things started since I'm officially full term. I have had inconsistent and too short of contractions since, but I am hoping at least they are dilating me! I go back to the doctor this Wednesday and I start my maternity leave after this Friday! I am walking, eating spicy food and pineapple(both things I read help out) taking lots of stairs and everything I am reading that will coax this sucker out!

So pray this man makes his grand entrance soon and maybe not too extremely large!

1 comment:

Leann said...

Take warm baths. It got me out!