Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Active Baby Boy

So one thing Patrick and I have already come to accept is that Declan is one active child even in utero.

Whenever we go to the doctor and she attempts to check the heartbeat, she always tells us that he is very active and she gets the heartbeat but then he moves so she has to find it again. Then, this last time, she looked at us and went, "you have an extrememly active baby, you are going to want to prepare yourselves"....haha. Thank you Doc, I expect nothing else from the spawn of Teresa and Patrick Murphy.

So, the last couple weeks I have defintely felt movement from our little peanut, but nothing like I have recently. It may have a lot to do with our baby now weighing 14 oz. Anywho... I got some Baby Genius CD's and classical music cd's and have been playing them through some headphones to our little guy. After about 2 or 3 minutes, he lets me know that he either REALLY likes the music, or REALLY hates it. He is like a ninja warrior in a Jackie Chan movie...kicking every which way. I imagine him holding onto the umbilical cord and moving in circles around it kicking as he moves.

The best part is that I like him to hear Patrick's voice a lot, so Patrick put some of his worship sets from Sunday mornings on my ipod and I played them for the first time last night. I actually had to take the headphones off because he was kicking me/moving around so hard that it was hurting. He loves his daddy already!! He also loves when Patrick reads books to him. Yes, we are THOSE people. I'm hoping we are giving him an intellectual edge. :)

Other than that, Monday's doctors appointment really got me freaking out about the reality of our situation. Until Monday I was like, "I still have about 4 months to get all of this stuff ready!!" Then when we found out we were having a little boy it made it all the more real!! I was like, "Oh my gosh, we only have 4 months to get ready! I have no clue what I am doing!!"

See here's the thing, I have babysat a lot and my degree is in Early Childhood Studies, so I know a fair amount about children. But I have NO CLUE what kind of stuff I need for everyday, all day long care of a baby! I made my friend Tara go with me and show me what to register for at Babies R Us because I was clueless to the extent of what I would need. So we did all the small and necessary stuff I didn't know I needed, and then Patrick and I went back and registered for all the big, fun items like swings, bouncers, car seats, etc.

So I am officially registered at both target and babies r us. One thing off my list. My amazing sister got my parents and brother and sister in law together to pitch in for an awesome stroller that is already being delivered! My fantastic mother in law is purchasing our beautiful crib and we ordered our crib set last night after my sister found it half off on the internet!!

So, after freaking out a bit Monday, I'm on track as much as I can be! Our roomies are both moving out by the end of August and then we can start rearranging room and painting and setting up the baby's room!! This is surreal. I have always felt like being a mom is exactly what i should be doing with my life, and now it is literally around the corner and I will have a beautiful little red headed (hopefully :) )baby boy in my arms. I can hardly wait!!

1 comment:

Leann said...

let me and andrea know if you guys need help painting!